Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Life with my two sweet boys...follow along!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Chopsticks and Multitasking

Even though we had a big party for my Dad 2 weeks ago, we helped him celebrate his actual birthday last Monday. Lincoln enjoyed broccoli and chicken, but especially enjoyed trying out the chopsticks.

The next morning, this is where I found him. Brushing his teeth, in the bathtub, fully dressed, with the water running.

Well looky what we have here!
As for other updates, I've given up on blogging about his words, because there isn't anything he can't say or repeat. The month of August was a huge vocab boost, he is now speaking in 3-4 word phrases. Here are some of the recent ones...
1. Here comes Auntie Holly
2. Lincoln kick red ball
3. Lincoln swim with Ella
4. Mama read book
5. I go outside and slide
Lincoln knows all his colors, including brown, pink, white and black. He can count to about 14 on a good day, and recognizes all his letters. He knows most numbers by sight, so of course, we think he is a genius!
He continues to have a great sense of humor, constantly trying to get us to laugh. He can throw a pretty fantastic fit and has started sitting in time out.

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