Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Life with my two sweet boys...follow along!

Friday, November 7, 2008


Friday is usually my grocery shopping day. I went to CVS and Kroger this morning. Take a peak at what I got for $5.35. While you can't see it all, that is 3 boxes of cereal, 3 tubes of toothpaste, 2 cans of evaporated milk and a $10 bottle of Cetaphil, among other things. I was gone about 45 minutes. I will head to Wal Mart for the rest of the things on my list this afternoon. You'd be SHOCKED to see how low our grocery/toiletry bill is per month.


Amy said...

How are you doing this? I think Kim R. is doing the same thing. Give me the secret!

Rower Two said...

Good job Marcy!! Im so inspired :-)

candicebishop said...

Whoah! Are you kidding me?!?!? So did Kim get you doing the CVS thing? I've heard her stories. That's amazing! Are you doing the grocery game or what? I'm so interested!

Rower Two said...

marcy got me doing the cvs... i never really liked the grocery game. Good luck, it can be addicting!!