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Life with my two sweet boys...follow along!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Do Your Eyes Light Up?

A few years ago, I heard someone quoting Maya Angelo. To summarize, she says one of the greatest gifts you can give your child is for you eyes to light up when they walk into a room. For some reason, this really stuck with me. I go into Lincoln's room every morning with a big smile and a hug and try to "light up" when I see him. Most of the time, it's easy to do and comes naturally. I would never want him to see disappointment, anger or boredom in my eyes.

Now that he's a bit older, I love it when others light up when the see him. Of course family members do this, but my friends Megan and Angi are so good at this and always acknowledge him when they see him. Lincoln just beams! your eyes light up when you see your children?!?

(PS--this works great with husbands, too)

1 comment:

candicebishop said...

What a great thing to remember... and so simple!