Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Life with my two sweet boys...follow along!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Independence Day Part 2

After a busy morning, we came back for naps. Lincoln slept almost 4 hours, which was great! We knew we'd be out late for Fireworks. We headed up the road to Red White and Boom, McKinney's annual 4th of July celebration. Lincoln had a ball. It is so fun to watch him interact with strangers and friends. He is really outgoing and has never met a stranger. Ryan and I both commented that we would remember this day forever. It was so fun just hanging out together as a family.

Bouncin' in a bounce house. This boy knows NO fear.

Everything these days is "No Lincoln", meaning I don't need your help!
A pre-fireworks beverage.

Watching with Daddy

Watching with Mommy


We got a glow in the dark necklace. Love these!
I hear people say all the time, my kid would never remember that, or my child is too young so they stay home and don't do anything. Lincoln might not remember this night, but we've got pictures to show him when he is older. I want him to know we went places, and did things and experienced life. When we share new and fun experiences, it strengthens our bond. Plus, Ryan and I will never forget taking Lincoln to his very first fireworks show!

1 comment:

Rower Two said...

Im glad he loved the fireworks! Sounds like y'all had a memorable 4th! I agree with you about taking your kids and doing things, even if it is just for a picture to show them later :-)