Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Life with my two sweet boys...follow along!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


It's another milestone to record. Lincoln had and survived his very first illness, a honest to goodness cold. We have been so blessed to have such a healthy baby. Other than cradle cap and a concern that he wasn't gaining weight at the right speed (which by the way is not any concern considering he is around 26 lbs now), he hasn't been sick at all. He managed to avoid the colds we had last winter and he dodged the stomach bug Ryan and I both had in November. Yippee for his super-human immune system! We go for his 15 month well-baby visit next week, so I'll have some hieght and weight stats to report then.

In other news, Lincoln has taken to biting when he doesn't get his way. Me: "No you may not have any candy". Lincoln: frown, bite on the shoulder. Me: "No you may not take the ornaments off the tree" Lincoln: sad eyes, and a bite on the knee. And for those of you who are thinking, bite him back, he'll learn. We are not taking that approach-- at least not yet:)

1 comment:

Jayme said...

I have 2 biters - unfortunately they bite eachother in those examples you gave. I keep hearing it just naturally goes away but I'm ready to see that! I understand that's their way of expressing their anger/frustration but goodness I'm done with it!